Topic: Archive

All the old posts from before the transition, available for historic reference.

My own company, a case study

My own company, a case study

Just a case study to check if everything is there

Restart of Aurora

Restart of Aurora

Starting rejuvenated

Still thinking about my own company

Still thinking about my own company

Still think about this for a very long time

7 years after MH17

7 years after MH17

Reality check and still happy to be here

Leasing out our land on Bali

Leasing out our land on Bali

After letting it sit for a couple of years, it is now time for action.

Jasper van Rijbroek

Jasper van Rijbroek

I'm a PHP and NodeJS developer who was born in Amsterdam, NL but now lives in beautiful Valencia, Spain. I work remotely full-time and enjoy blogging about everything related to this wonderful country. Let me know if you have any questions about Spain - I'd be more than happy to help!

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