The start of another empire

Seems like we are reviving the old company

As you may know, my spouse and I moved from our old house in The Netherlands to Spain. We decided to keep our registration in the former, which turned out to be a great decision. However, we now face a new challenge as we need to sell the house.

As we are still registered in our Dutch house, I am considered a Dutch Taxpaying Residency, which allows me to keep my job with my current employer. Unfortunately, once the house is sold, I won't be able to continue working with them.

So, we put our heads together and discussed some options. It looks like the best one for me is to become a freelancer. I had a company before but closed it down. Now, it seems like I'm going to revive it, but this time in Spain.

Starting this new chapter in my life brings some challenges, but I'm not too worried. My spouse and I previously owned a restaurant, so I already have some experience in the business. However, I need to take invoicing, contracts, and insurance more seriously.

In my next blog post, I'll tell you more about the process of starting a company. This time, I'll be seeking the help of a gestor, who can handle the company's tax returns. I don't want to handle that on my own, as my main focus will be on generating and sending invoices. Stay tuned!

Jasper van Rijbroek

Jasper van Rijbroek

I'm a PHP and NodeJS developer who was born in Amsterdam, NL but now lives in beautiful Valencia, Spain. I work remotely full-time and enjoy blogging about everything related to this wonderful country. Let me know if you have any questions about Spain - I'd be more than happy to help!

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