Our roadtrip: The drive itself

The big trip in hindsight

¡Hola Todos!, Hello Everybody!,

We are now a couple of weeks in Spain, so it is time to tell about the trip in hindsight.

Initially, we wanted our trip to go from Saturday to Monday (the Monday was a bank holiday) but we were afraid that we needed to spend way too much time in the car every day. So we decided that we started driving on Friday as that would give us rest during the trip because we needed some stops.

So we set to the road on Friday at 10:00 in the morning all the way to Vittel (FR), which initially was a little exciting as my wife got a new tol badge and we needed to test its function, which turned out to work just fine. When we arrived in Vittel (FR) it was already quite late as this was the second longest trip we had planned, so it was a quick bite in the hotel itself and off to bed as we wanted to go pretty early the day after.

On Satuday already about 500KM on our move we topped up the cars and got a some nice French Croissants as breakfast and set out to Montpellier (FR), this would be the longest trip we had in the entire weekend, so after arriving another quick bite and off to bed again.

On Sunday we had the same thing as on Saturday, get breakfast, topup the cars and now we set out to Amposta (ES). This day was a good day the road wasn't too busy and the little guy slept about most of the trip so we had just 2 stops instead of 6, as we didn't want to wake the little guy. So arriving on time in Amposta (ES) we set out to get a good dinner, but we had to wait for the spanish dinner time for the restaurants to open. But after a good dinner we went to bed again.

On Monday we set out for Port Saplaya (ES) as our current destination, first a nice breakfast in the hotel this time, after that topping of and heading to Port Saplaya (ES). Today would be a nice trip along the shoreline untill the destination.

After we arrived we unpacked and settled for an easy evening exploring the beach and gettings ome groceries.

So I will tell more about the rest later!

Jasper van Rijbroek

Jasper van Rijbroek

I'm a PHP and NodeJS developer who was born in Amsterdam, NL but now lives in beautiful Valencia, Spain. I work remotely full-time and enjoy blogging about everything related to this wonderful country. Let me know if you have any questions about Spain - I'd be more than happy to help!

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