Our life in Spain: The first 6 months

It has been half a year already, time really does fly

It's hard to believe that six months have already passed since we relocated to Spain. Time seems to fly when you're having fun, and we've certainly been enjoying every moment of our new adventure. From exploring the local area to acting like tourists, we've been making the most of our time here. We've also been trying to learn Spanish along the way, and it's been an exciting challenge.

One of our favorite little traditions has been collecting fridge magnets from every place we've visited. It's a small way of commemorating our travels and keeping memories alive.

Aside from the fun stuff, we've also had to deal with some bureaucratic hurdles, particularly when it came to importing our cars. But, we're happy to say that we've managed to sort everything out, and our vehicles are now safely with us. We've also made some financial savings by foregoing our Dutch health insurance.

Our child has been thriving at daycare, and we couldn't be happier with the care and attention they receive.

Living in Spain has also taught us to slow down and be less stressed. We love indulging in fresh fruit, and the abundance of it here never ceases to amaze us. We don't know what the future holds, but we're looking forward to spending more time on the beach, soaking up the sun, and enjoying the natural beauty of the palm trees and oranges.

Until next time (Hasta luego)!

Jasper van Rijbroek

Jasper van Rijbroek

I'm a PHP and NodeJS developer who was born in Amsterdam, NL but now lives in beautiful Valencia, Spain. I work remotely full-time and enjoy blogging about everything related to this wonderful country. Let me know if you have any questions about Spain - I'd be more than happy to help!

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