Obtaining your NIE

If you're planning to live in Spain, it would be a good idea to get your NIE. This will make things a lot easier for you.

If you're planning to move to Spain, one of the first things you'll need is an NIE (Número de Identidad de Extranjero). This is a unique identification number that every foreigner needs to carry out any kind of transaction in Spain, from receiving packages to buying a house.

So, how do you get it? Well, the process is relatively simple. You just need to fill in a form (Form EX-15), pay a tax of around 10 euros (check out Form 790 Code 012), and bring proof of payment. Once you've done that, you can request your NIE in a couple of ways.

One way is to apply for it at the Spanish embassy in your home country before you leave for Spain. Alternatively, you can schedule an appointment with the police office closest to your place of stay in Spain. And don't worry, you can only schedule the appointment a week in advance, so you'll have plenty of time to prepare.

When you attend your appointment, make sure you bring all the necessary documents, including the ones you filled out and paid for, your passport, and proof of your arrival in Spain. This could be anything from a fuel bill to a flight ticket and a photocopy of your accommodation.

And that's it! The police office will print your NIE on the spot, and you'll be all set to take on Spain. Of course, if you prefer, you can always hire an agent to obtain your NIE for you, but this can be more expensive.

So, my advice is to give it a go yourself. Not only is it a great way to learn about Spanish bureaucracy, but it'll also save you some cash.

Hasta Luego!

Jasper van Rijbroek

Jasper van Rijbroek

I'm a PHP and NodeJS developer who was born in Amsterdam, NL but now lives in beautiful Valencia, Spain. I work remotely full-time and enjoy blogging about everything related to this wonderful country. Let me know if you have any questions about Spain - I'd be more than happy to help!

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