So it is almost time to redecorate the home office as it has been sitting like this for almost 7 years without any change and really is in dire need for a refresher.
I have been thinking of hiding my PC away in a complete water cooled desk with the PC enclosed into it, as this is still a very sleek idea I just hate the idea of having to open my complete desk to replace an item or to have a lot of difficulty when I want to plug in a usb stick.
So I now have been thinking about using an ikea alex to build my PC into (hidden in plain sight) and using an ikea top to hide away all of my cables, still thinking about a good way to do this.
However this idea changes at every time, at some times I think I want to make the desk with the enclosed PC, sometimes this and at other times I just want to leave it as it is.
Seems I have to check it out in about a month. Will let you guys know about it.